When you have a mask made, the design can go into the ANBU Brotherhood of Masks BINGO Book.
This is a gallery viewable to everyone that will include photos and social info of members who want to share with the community. The BINGO Book will be a lightweight profile for that mask design. Show off your best shots in the BINGO Book and explain your inspiration for your mask and what you use it for.
Submit a photo for the bingo book and reveal a %15 discount code for your next purchase *member intel exclusive*
BINGO Book gallery image
The BINGO Book gallery image will be the concept sketch of your mask. Once the profile is sufficient with info on the target, the stamp will appear over the sketch. The profile will include photos of the mask during the build process as well as any photos submitted by you the member.
Build Photos
Build Photos bring a before and after feel to the BINGO Book, a comprehensive look at the entire mask from conception to use. These photos will be uploaded on our end, waiting for your submissions to solidify the post.
(Your) Member Submissions
Member submissions for the BINGO Book should be your best shots. Think about your background, let the photo help tell the story about where you are or what you represent.
Include some info when you submit your photo like city and state so we can plot you on the map. You might notice the small orange stars on the map, those are other masks in that region. Put your mask on the map.
Make a statement with your mask. Choosing the right setting for your photo can make instant classics. Tripods and timers make for good pro quality shots that only you can create with your unique mask in it.
@anbubrotherhood on facebook and instagram, pinterest and deviant art. I am your mask maker, I am based out of Atlanta but travel all over the country for work.... Include some social media handles and a bit of info on you, what you do with your mask or why you had it made. These tid bits of information will be included in the bingo book so your senpai can look you up and follow you, a fellow ANBU Brotherhood member.
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